Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Reference Evidences for the planned article, using The Quran to Evaluate and Judge Science

The Quran:
The Quran is Perfectly Preserved and to be chosen and preferred above any other source of knowledge. In case of any dispute, The Quran is to be followed. The direct orders and even the indirect hints and insights. 4 sets of Aayaat are provided as reference below, for the honest truth seekers to research the Words deeply and attempt to translate or evaluate the existing translation attempts for the Aayaat or Parts of the Aayaat of The Quran honestly without any influence from the theoretical Science bluff and without any influence from the translators who were influenced by the theoretical Science bluff.

Set 1:
Quran 2:22
Quran 2:29
Quran 2:144
Quran 2:149-150
Quran 3:133
Quran 6:6
Quran 6:97
Quran 7:40
Quran 7:162
Quran 10:5
Quran 13:2-3
Quran 15:14
Quran 15:16-19
Quran 16:16
Quran 17:37
Quran 17:44
Quran 17:78
Quran 17:92-93
Quran 20:53
Quran 20:105-107
Quran 21:30-33
Quran 21:104
Quran 22:65
Quran 23:17-18
Quran 23:86
Quran 25:25
Quran 25:53
Quran 25:61
Quran 26:28
Quran 27:61
Quran 30:25
Quran 31:10
Quran 34:9
Quran 37:5-11
Quran 38:27
Quran 39:67
Quran 40:64
Quran 41:9-12
Quran 42:5
Quran 43:10
Quran 50:6-7
Quran 50:44
Quran 51:7
Quran 51:47-48
Quran 52:5-6
Quran 52:9-10
Quran 52:44
Quran 54:11-12
Quran 55:7-8
Quran 55:33-38
Quran 57:21
Quran 65:12
Quran 67:3-5
Quran 69:14-17
Quran 70:8-9
Quran 71:15-16
Quran 71:19-20
Quran 73:17-19
Quran 75:8-10
Quran 77:8-10
Quran 77:25-27
Quran 78:6-7
Quran 78:12-13
Quran 78:19-21
Quran 79:27-33
Quran 79:36
Quran 81:1-3
Quran 81:11-13
Quran 81:15-18
Quran 82:1-3
Quran 84:1-5
Quran 84:17-18
Quran 85:1
Quran 86:11-14
Quran 88:17-20
Quran 89:21-23
Quran 91:1-6
Quran 92:1-2

Set 2:
Quran 2:164
Quran 2:189
Quran 2:255
Quran 3:27
Quran 3:190-191
Quran 6:14
Quran 6:35
Quran 6:76-79
Quran 6:96
Quran 6:99
Quran 7:46-47
Quran 7:54
Quran 9:118
Quran 11:40
Quran 11:44
Quran 11:107-108
Quran 13:17
Quran 14:32-33
Quran 14:48
Quran 15:22
Quran 15:85
Quran 16:79-81
Quran 18:17
Quran 18:47
Quran 21:16-17
Quran 21:19
Quran 13:41
Quran 21:44
Quran 21:56
Quran 22:61
Quran 23:27-30
Quran 24:42-45
Quran 25:62
Quran 26:90-91
Quran 27:87-88
Quran 30:8
Quran 31:29
Quran 32:4-5
Quran 34:10-14
Quran 35:13
Quran 35:41
Quran 36:37-40
Quran 38:10-11
Quran 38:32
Quran 39:5
Quran 39:68-69
Quran 39:73-75
Quran 50:31
Quran 52:49
Quran 53:1
Quran 53:49
Quran 54:1
Quran 55:5
Quran 55:10
Quran 55:17-18
Quran 55:19-20
Quran 56:75-76
Quran 57:4
Quran 57:6
Quran 67:15-17
Quran 72:8-9
Quran 73:14
Quran 81:6
Quran 86:1-3
Quran 101:5

Set 3:
Quran 6:116
Quran 6:125
Quran 10:27
Quran 11:7
Quran 16:12
Quran 16:15
Quran 16:65-66
Quran 18:8
Quran 20:4
Quran 20:6
Quran 25:45
Quran 29:56
Quran 29:63
Quran 30:48
Quran 35:1
Quran 35:12
Quran 36:28
Quran 39:21
Quran 39:63
Quran 40:57
Quran 41:39
Quran 41:53
Quran 42:31
Quran 42:33
Quran 44:10
Quran 44:38-39
Quran 45:13
Quran 46:3
Quran 50:38
Quran 51:22
Quran 56:4-6
Quran 64:3
Quran 67:19
Quran 70:3-4
Quran 78:10
Quran 89:4

Some Words that may require deeper research for the detailed article or post:
أَرۡض ـ سَمَآء ـ فِرَ ٰش ـ قَرَار ـ بِنَـآء ـ خَلَقَ سَبۡعَ سَمَاوَاتٍ طِبَاقًا ـ خَلَقَ سَبۡعَ سَمَاوَاتٍ وَمِنَ ٱلأَرۡضِ مِثۡلَهُنَّ ـ مِدۡرَار ـ خَالِق ـ فَاطِر ـ فَطَرَ ـ بَازِغ ـ فَالِق ـ إِصۡبَاح ـ شَمۡس ـ قَمَر ـ حُسۡبَان ـ تَقۡدِير ـ نُجُوم ـ اِهۡتَدَىٰ ـ بَدِيع ـ ظَنّ ـ خَرَصَ ـ ضَلَّ ـ رِجۡز ـ يُغۡشِى ٱلَّيۡلَ ٱلنَّهَارَ يَطۡلُبُهُۥ حَثِيثًا ـ ضِيَـآء ـ نُور ـ وَحَيۡثُ مَا كُنۡتُمۡ فَوَلُّواْ وُجُوهَكُمۡ شَطۡرَهُ ـ فَارَ ٱلتَّنُّور ـ بَلِعَ ـ أَقۡلَعَ ـ غِيضَ ـ عَمَد ـ يَجۡرِى ـ مَدَّ ـ دَآئِب ـ بَاب ـ أَبۡوَاب ـ ظَلُّواْ ـ بُرُوج ـ شِهَاب ـ كِسَف ـ مَهۡد ـ قَاعًا صَفۡصَفًا ـ عِوَج ـ أَمۡت ـ كَانَتَا رَتۡقًا فَفَتَقۡنَـٰهُمَا ـ أَنۡ تَمِيدَ بِهِمۡ ـ سَقۡفًا مَّحۡفُوظًا ـ كُلٌّ فِى فَلَكٍ يَسۡبَحُونَ ـ يُولِجُ ـ وَيُمۡسِكُ ٱلسَّمَآءَ أَنۡ تَقَعَ عَلَى ٱلۡأَرۡضِ ـ سَبۡعَ طَرَآئِق ـ تَشَقَّقُ ـ بَرۡزَخًا وَحِجۡرًا مَّحۡجُورًا ـ سِرَاج ـ مُنِير ـ كَوۡكَب ـ شِهَابٌ ثَاقِبٌ ـ قَبۡضَة ـ مَطۡوِيَّـٰتٌ ـ يَمِين ـ مَصَـٰبِيح ـ حِفۡظًا ـ دُخَان ـ تَفَطَّرَ ـ بَنَيۡنَـٰهَا وَزَيَّنَّـٰهَا وَمَا لَهَا مِنۡ فُرُوجٍ ـ حُبُك ـ فَرَشَ ـ مَـٰهِد ـ مُوسِع ـ وٱلسَّقۡفِ ٱلۡمَرۡفُوعِ ۝ وٱلۡبَحۡرِ ٱلۡمَسۡجُورِ ۝ ـ مَوۡر ـ كِسۡف ـ مُنۡهَمِر ـ مِيزَان ـ أَقۡطَار ـ تَنۡفُذُواْ ـ شُوَاظ ـ نُحَاس ـ دِهَان ـ فَإِذَ ٱنۡشَقَّتِ ٱلسَّمَآءُ ـ مَوَاقِع ـ عَرۡض ـ وَاهِيَة ـ أَرۡجَآئِهَا ـ مُهۡل ـ بِسَاط ـ مُنۡفَطِر ـ خَسَفَ ـ طُمِسَتۡ ـ فُرِجَتۡ ـ كِفَات ـ مِهَـٰد ـ شِدَاد ـ وَهَّاج ـ سَمۡك ـ دَحَىٰهَا ـ كُوِّرَتۡ ـ ـ كُشِطَتۡ ـ خُنَّس ـ كُنَّس ـ اِنۡتَثَرَتۡ ـ رَجۡع ـ صَدۡع ـ سُطِحَتۡ ـ طَحَىٰهَا ـ تَلَىٰهَا

Set 4
Quran 2:50
Quran 2:55-56
Quran 2:59
Quran 2:60
Quran 2:63
Quran 2:65
Quran 2:72-73
Quran 2:74
Quran 2:93
Quran 2:102
Quran 2:107
Quran 2:115-116
Quran 2:117
Quran 2:154
Quran 2:187
Quran 2:210
Quran 2:233
Quran 2:243
Quran 2:258-260
Quran 2:275
Quran 3:37
Quran 3:40
Quran 3:47
Quran 3:49
Quran 3:59
Quran 3:137
Quran 3:169-171
Quran 3:183
Quran 4:1
Quran 4:47
Quran 4:56
Quran 4:97
Quran 4:100
Quran 4:154
Quran 5:60
Quran 5:110
Quran 5:114-115
Quran 6:1-2
Quran 6:38
Quran 6:60
Quran 6:93
Quran 6:95
Quran 6:98
Quran 6:101
Quran 6:103
Quran 6:111
Quran 7:11-12
Quran 7:27
Quran 7:57
Quran 7:84
Quran 7:107-108
Quran 7:116-117
Quran 7:133-134
Quran 7:143
Quran 7:155
Quran 7:160
Quran 7:166
Quran 7:171
Quran 7:189
Quran 8:11-12
Quran 8:43-44
Quran 8:48
Quran 9:26
Quran 9:36
Quran 9:40
Quran 10:3
Quran 10:6
Quran 10:67
Quran 10:90-92
Quran 10:101
Quran 11:71-73
Quran 11:82-83
Quran 11:94
Quran 11:106-108
Quran 12:36-49
Quran 12:84
Quran 12:93-96
Quran 12:101
Quran 12:109
Quran 13:12-13
Quran 13:15
Quran 14:10
Quran 14:19-20
Quran 15:26-29
Quran 15:51-54
Quran 15:73-79
Quran 16:3-4
Quran 16:40
Quran 16:45
Quran 16:48-49
Quran 16:68-70
Quran 17:1
Quran 17:3
Quran 17:12-14
Quran 17:49-51
Quran 17:59-60
Quran 17:68-69
Quran 17:85
Quran 18:11-26
Quran 18:37
Quran 18:60-64
Quran 19:7-9
Quran 19:19-22
Quran 19:29-33
Quran 19:68
Quran 19:90-93
Quran 20:19-23
Quran 20:38-39
Quran 20:65-70
Quran 20:77-78
Quran 20:96
Quran 21:68-71
Quran 21:79
Quran 21:81-82
Quran 21:87-91
Quran 22:2
Quran 22:5-6
Quran 22:18
Quran 22:47
Quran 22:73-74
Quran 23:12-16
Quran 23:21
Quran 23:41
Quran 23:71
Quran 23:80
Quran 24:24
Quran 24:35
Quran 24:40
Quran 25:45-49
Quran 25:54
Quran 25:59
Quran 26:7
Quran 26:32-33
Quran 26:44-48
Quran 26:52
Quran 26:63-67
Quran 26:187
Quran 27:10
Quran 27:12
Quran 27:16-22
Quran 27:38-40
Quran 27:82
Quran 28:7
Quran 28:31-32
Quran 29:14
Quran 29:19-20
Quran 29:24
Quran 29:40-41
Quran 29:61
Quran 30:19-20
Quran 30:46
Quran 30:54
Quran 31:20
Quran 32:8-9
Quran 33:9
Quran 33:72
Quran 34:2
Quran 35:11
Quran 35:19-21
Quran 35:27
Quran 36:36
Quran 36:41
Quran 36:65
Quran 36:67-68
Quran 36:81-82
Quran 37:102-109
Quran 37:139-146
Quran 38:18-19
Quran 38:35-40
Quran 38:41-44
Quran 38:71-72
Quran 38:76
Quran 39:6
Quran 39:42
Quran 39:46
Quran 40:11
Quran 40:13
Quran 40:45-46
Quran 40:67-68
Quran 41:16-17
Quran 41:20-22
Quran 41:30-32
Quran 43:36-37
Quran 43:55-56
Quran 44:29
Quran 45:5
Quran 46:15
Quran 47:18
Quran 47:20
Quran 47:27
Quran 48:27
Quran 50:18-19
Quran 50:22
Quran 51:28-30
Quran 51:33-34
Quran 51:41-42
Quran 51:49
Quran 52:38
Quran 54:7
Quran 55:6
Quran 55:14-15
Quran 55:29
Quran 56:60-62
Quran 56:83-87
Quran 57:25
Quran 70:40-41
Quran 71:14
Quran 71:17-18
Quran 72:1
Quran 74:33-34
Quran 75:2-4
Quran 75:26-27
Quran 75:37-40
Quran 76:1-3
Quran 76:13
Quran 76:28
Quran 77:20-23
Quran 80:19-22
Quran 83:24
Quran 86:5-8
Quran 93:1-2
Quran 96:15-16
Quran 113:4
Quran 114:4-6

Saturday, April 29, 2023

The Science Bluff - Contradictions between Theoretical Science and Verifiable Science

The Science Bluff

Atheists blindly believe unproven and unverified theories presented as science, and blindly reject religion. They fool themselves and many others, by bluffing that somehow science has all the answers, that science can judge all. In reality, science does not have the answers to many things and cannot judge many things.

Science Bluff
You must realize The Science Bluff. Science must be split into:
1. Verified and proven science, testable and verifiable, by senses, verification, experimentation etc.
2. Unverified assumptions, guesses, theories, mathematical equations etc.
Much of the science today is the 2nd type, yet people believe it as if it is 1st type. These unverified assumptions, guesses, theories, mathematical equations which are presented in the name of science. This is actually the secret religion of the Atheists.

How can you believe something with so much certainty when it:
1. Neither claims to be based on any Revelation From The Creator.
2. Nor has it verified its guesses, assumptions, theories, mathematical equations etc. using any practical experiments and tests.

Yet, it has:
1. The audacity to give mass of the Sun to the minutest details using pen, paper, scientists' guesses, mathematical equations with assumed constants etc.
See a simple page from NASA's Official site : here. To bluff about the mass of the Sun, they 1st have to bluff about : "However, we need to know how far the Earth is from the Sun and how fast it is moving around the Sun."
Based on the same page, linked above, behold! the derivation!
Mass of Sun calculation bluff

2. The audacity to identify earth's exact location in the assumed galaxy and even give a fairy tale picture of the assumed galaxy using an arrow pointing to the assumed location of earth confidently asserting "You are here".
Science Bluff about the exact location of Earth

3. The audacity to draw the entire details of the inner earth despite failing to dig beyond 12262 meters i.e. about 12 km.
Dug 12.262 kilometers, but conveniently bluffed about the remaining 6365.738 kilometers out of the 6378 kilometers, which itself is a wildly bluffed estimate of the so called radius of the so called spherical earth, but earth is no orange that you can cut in half and then measure exactly, or can you? This is no joke. Why not so serious? What say you? This gullibility may cost some their eternal life! Don't be one of them.
Dug 12.26 km, but drew 6378 km

4. The audacity to claim Nixon talked to Astronauts on the Moon via his landline phone in 1969.
President Nixon speaking with astronauts Armstrong and Aldrin on the Moon

5. The audacity to claim that a picture of Earth was taken from a distance of 6 billion kilometers from the Sun (See the small dot in the rightmost line of light in the below picture) and even successfully sent to Earth? and shamelessness to not even think that this fake image exposes them further since according to this image, even at night the Sun's light should be seen as the sunlight is equally bright on all sides surrounding the alleged Earth in this alleged photo.
Allegedly, according to NASA: "The Pale Blue Dot is a photograph of Earth taken Feb. 14, 1990, by NASA’s Voyager 1 at a distance of 3.7 billion miles (6 billion kilometers) from the Sun."
Some science bluff apologists deny that Earth is in a sunbeam according to this picture. In his 1994 book, Pale Blue Dot, Carl Sagan, an American astronomer, planetary scientist, and science communicator, comments on what he sees as the greater significance of the photograph, writing: "... lived there – on a mote of dust suspended in a sunbeam ..." (See 5th paragraph on this page from the book)
Pale Blue Dot [no music], apparently with the original audio of Carl Sagan

Download original higher resolution 1990 images from official NASA site:
NASA: Original – Highest-Resolution (1990): 4.32 MB
NASA: Original (1990) :414 KB

Alleged picture of Earth from 6 billion kilometers

Also see the below illustrations for further clarity on this point:
Pale blue dot

Pale blue dot

6. The audacity to claim (by NASA) that the Sun is closest to the Earth on January 4th at a distance of 91400000 miles or 147094041.6 km and farthest from the Earth on July 5th at a distance of 94500000 miles or 152083008 km i.e. a difference of distance between the Sun and Earth of 4988966.4 km between January 4th and July 5th of each year. The alleged radius of Earth is 6371 km and any kind of change, in the distance on any point of an alleged ball of this radius with a tilted axis is even much less than that. According to the bluff by NASA, this difference in distance of 4988966.4 km has nothing to do with the change of seasons on Earth and instead Earth's tilted axis causes the seasons. Following are some selections from this claim (by NASA) : "Earth has seasons because its axis is tilted. Earth rotates on its axis as it orbits the Sun, but the axis always points in the same direction. ... Many people believe that Earth is closer to the Sun in the summer and that is why it is hotter. And, likewise, they think Earth is farthest from the Sun in the winter. Although this idea makes sense, it is incorrect. ... And, believe it or not, aphelion (when Earth is farthest from the Sun) occurs in July, and perihelion (when we are closest) occurs in January. For those of us who live in the Northern Hemisphere where it's summer in July and winter in January, that seems backwards, doesn't it? ..."
Below 2 images have taken from the NASA link referenced in this point and show the details of the science bluff by NASA.
Image from NASA site
Image from NASA site

This theoretical science bluff has no authority to challenge any religion. Tame this spoiled science back to its real worth.
Its real worth is to "Put up or shut up" i.e.
1. Either verify each and every one of its assumptions, theories, equations and guesses via practical experiments, tests, real observations etc.
2. Or accept its limitation that it can't talk about many issues since it can't encompass or verify these using sense observations and practical experiments and tests.
3. Theoretical Science is not the judge, but a thing to be judged by using practical observation, experiments and tests.

Evidence of Deliberate Bad Intent to Fool the Masses and lure them away from believing in The Creator

Below is from Protocol # 2 from The Protocols of Zion, clearly proving deliberate bad intent by powerful personalities to fool masses and take them away from religion:
"The GOYIM are not guided by practical use of unprejudiced historical observation, but by theoretical routine without any critical regard for consequent results. We need not, therefore, take any account of them - let them amuse themselves until the hour strikes, or live on hopes of new forms of enterprising pastime, or on the memories of all they have enjoyed. For them let that play the principal part which we have persuaded them to accept as the dictates of science (theory). It is with this object in view that we are constantly, by means of our press, arousing a blind confidence in these theories. The intellectuals of the GOYIM will puff themselves up with their knowledges and without any logical verification of them will put into effect all the information available from science, which our AGENTUR specialists have cunningly pieced together for the purpose of educating their minds in the direction we want."

Link to download the PDF for The Protocols is given near the end of this post in Appendix 2
Below are 2 screenshots from Page 15 and 16 from the scanned edition

An evidence of deliberate bad intent : Usage of assumption of a flat non-rotating earth in NASA, army and some other documents and calculations, while masses are urged by the same to believe otherwise.

Assumption of a flat non-rotating earth in NASA, army and some other documents and calculations
The below video has uncalled for music. You may mute the audio to avoid the music. Same can be done for the other videos having music or any other issue. Due to shortage of time, I am linking videos by others, in which sometimes, these issues are there.
35 Government Documents Use Flat Earth Assumption for their own research (NASA, ARMY, FAA, AIR FORCE, CIA)

The Science Bluff on the alleged Evolution of Whale. An example of "laugh out loud" kind of Science Bluff and the masses even fell for that! and the video had 8.8 million+ or 8800000+ views as on 13th August 2023.

To the gullible masses who believe Science is the supreme authority. I got news for you. Science bluffed about many many things. Fake it till you make it or give an answer to everything even if you don't have a conclusive answer. Guessing in the name of Science is better than accepting the limitation that Science cannot know many many things for sure? Science can never give the age of the Universe without the Help of a Revelation from The Creator via a Prophet and that too if The Creator Considers it important enough for the masses to know. Yet, Science won't hesitate in bluffing the age of the universe again and again, attacking and contradicting all the previous "Science bluffs" on the age of the Universe. Search : Age of Universe doubled on any search engine and be ready to be amazed and wake up! Science is no better than any other man made field. Man is a weak creation and can never play or challenge The Creator. All man made fields are imperfect and always have room for improvement! Man can't create 1 atom of his own on his own and yet wants to puff himself with pride after making guesses and challenges The Existence of The Creator?

NASA itself admits and confesses to the crisis. e.g. see this screenshot from this page.

As far as your own origin goes, this is what the standard Science narrative has to say...evolution!. Note that there is no proof whatsoever. No intermediate species, e.g. if 1 evolved to 2, there are no fossils or intermediate specie bones for 1.01, 1.02, 1.03, ...1.97, 1.98, 1.99. No one witnessed the animal or being on the previous stage of the alleged evolution process give birth to the animal or being on the next stage. Pure speculative Science Bluff!
Click to view full size image
alleged evolution

Contradictions in Science OR Practical Science vs Science Fiction OR Verifiable Science vs Theoretical Science Bluff

Below are some quick observations. For some observations, theories have been put forward, i.e. after the confession that heat is unable to travel in vacuum, the theory that radiation is able to travel through vacuum.

1. Practical Verifiable Observable Science: Light must reach the object reflecting light to allow it to reflect light.
Theoretical Science Bluff: Moon can reflect sunlight even when no visible or observable sunlight is seen reaching it.

2. Practical Verifiable Observable Science: When vacuum comes in contact with air or gases, without any barrier separating them, air is pulled into vacuum with a very strong force. Without any barrier it is impossible to let the vacuum coexist with air or gases. If gravity is claimed to stop this massive force, then gravity must have been so powerful to not let anything move at all, but things easily move also proving that there are massive holes in the standard science narrative.
Theoretical Science Bluff: Gravity is pulling the farthest atoms of air more strongly than the vacuum of space, despite no barrier separating the Earth's atmosphere and the vacuum of space. According to theoretical science, Earth's atmosphere is directly in contact with the vacuum of space, and the air is easily coexisting with vacuum just because gravity is holding even the last atom of air and exerting more power than the vast vacuum, but this contradicts with the existence of winds and movements in the atmosphere. To achieve this feat, gravity must have held the atoms with so much power that wind would and any movement would not even be possible.

Practical Verifiable Observable Science: Heat requires medium to conduct and thermos mainly uses vacuum to maintain the temperature. Conduction and convection is not possible in vacuum.
Theoretical Science Bluff: Sun's heat can travel and conduct through vacuum of vast space through very long distances. With conduction and convection not being possible in vacuum and admitted by the theoretical science, the theory of radiation is brought forward, with the assumption that radiated heat is miraculously able to travel or convey the heat through the bluffed distance of 150650000 kilometers from the Sun to the Earth. Just let this sink in for a while.

Practical Verifiable Observable Science: Rockets need a very large amount of energy to take off and go a considerable distance and rocket operation in the vacuum not possible. Rocket cannot change its direction in space.
Rockets in the vacuum of space not possible!
Theoretical Science Bluff: Alleged return journey from Moon to Earth can be done without the energy arrangements made in the alleged Earth to Moon journey. (Remember, or did you forget, Science bluffers never claimed that the Moon has no gravity, rather they claimed its gravity is 1/6th of the Earth's gravity, so what about 1/6th the energy arrangements to take off from the Moon?) But theoretical science bluffs that rockets in the vacuum of space are possible and can even change direction in space! Even the cameraman can stay on the moon and record it taking off and then miraculously send the recording back to earth even without a rocket!

The cameraman can stay on the moon!

Practical Verifiable Observable Science: Water finds and maintains its level.
16.4-Mile Laser Test Confirms Earth is Flat
28.6-Mile Laser Test Proves Earth is Flat
Theoretical Science Bluff: Earth is spherical and large bodies of water maintain a sphere shape to match the alleged spherical shape of the Earth.

Practical Verifiable Observable Science: Water sticking to a ball (e.g. by absorption or some other force), when spun, gathers to the equator, and then flies off.
Behavior of water on a rotating ball
More on behavior of water on a rotating ball
Theoretical Science Bluff:. Earth is allegedly a spinning ball and water of the Oceans and other water bodies, magically stick to the Earth despite the motion and the rotation and the revolution. They bluff that gravity is responsible for this feat, but to achieve this feat, gravity must have been so strong to not even let 1 molecule of water move, and sink and hold everything that is in it, at the bottom.

Practical Verifiable Observable Science: When a helicopter rises and remains hovering at the same place in the air for 1 hour, the Earth below does not rotate and turn by 1600 kilometers, proving that the Earth is stationary.
Theoretical Science Bluff: The alleged speed of rotation of the Earth is 1600 kilometers per hour. When a helicopter rises and remains hovering at the same place in the air for 1 hour, The Earth below rotates and thus turns by 1600 kilometers, but the atmosphere and everything in it also moves along with it 1600 kilometers, as if it is a solid unit and firmly fixed to the Earth, but this is not possible, because if such was the case, no winds would exist and nothing would be able to move an inch due to such a strong force.

Various Videos as The Raw Data for My Planned Project

The following videos and links are being linked up to be viewed. Any other person can also take up this project, using this page as the foundation for his research.

Note that various videos are posted in this post. Posting a video does not mean that I promote the maker or author. I only promote the directly linked content from my blog, and that too is shared since the good outweighs the harm (i.e. no shared video or book is 100% endorsed or 100% correct), and since I cannot myself allocate time to make similar or better videos and books without sponsorship, I promote such 3rd party content. I do not necessarily agree with all the content presented in such videos and books.

Dave Murphy exposing the theoretical bluff (with Arabic subtitles and video animations)
Flat Earth Facts
Playlist on Youtube: with 240+ videos capturing actual stars and planets. No CGI, unlike NASA.

Playlist on Youtube: 1000+ videos capturing the moon.

Geodesic Tests and Civil Engineers Proved flat Earth

Neutral Physicist

Level with me (2023 documentary)

Stars filmed with Nikon P900
Real Stars Footage (playlist)

NASA Fails and Fraud Compilation
Moon light is cold

The real cause of the solar eclipse
What are stars?
More on stars
Little dipper

Real stars up close
Moonlight temperature test

Moonlight temperature test again

Why things rise and fall - Buoyancy (Verifiable Science) vs Gravity (Theoretical Science)

Mystery of gravitation

Longest Distance Proofs

Clouds behind the Sun?
Clouds behind the Moon?
More clouds behind the Moon?

Weird sunrise
Semi-transparent Moon
Stars seen through the semi-transparent Moon
More stars seen through the Moon
Moon and star
Day and Night

Clouds seen behind the Sun - again!

Planets and stars - actual observation vs NASA Bluff
Nikon P1000 - Zooming into Mount Everest from Kathmandu (200 km away)

Lunar wave phenomenon!
More on the lunar wave phenomenon!
More footage on lunar wave phenomenon
Moon wave phenomenon : Energy pulses and Lunar waves

Lunar Eclipse at Sunrise: Selenelion viewed from Cahokia Mounds!

Lunar Eclipse in Daylight!
Calming travel through the clouds during sunrise

High altitude balloon footage

More high altitude balloon footage

So called Sun dog or 'parhelion'

Why a 2nd Sun is seen?
Why a 2nd Sun is seen??
Why a 2nd Sun is seen???

Why are 2 Suns seen????
Sun halo phenomenon

Sun and Moon footage
More Sun and Moon footage!
Weird sunrise
Sun footage
Double Sun compilation
Moon's light
Solar eclipse footage
More solar eclipse footage
Refutation of curvature bluff using a practical experiment

Refutation of curvature bluff using another practical experiment

Quotations from 10 Islamic scholars in Arabic

Refutation of curvature bluff using another practical experiment

NASA's Moon landings hoax
Moonlight is cold - proven again!

The cold moonlight

How time zones cover up and hide the truth

No magnetic declination part 1

No magnetic declination part 2

How Boat Speeds Hide the Flat Earth by Hervé Riboni

Wires and other blatant NASA fakery
NASA bloopers
Dr. John destroys the globe

Canada laser test

PHD doctor proves globe model false

Frozen lake test

16.4 mile laser test

28.6-Mile Laser Test

Bendy radar

F-16 pilot says that the Earth is flat

Rockets In Space: Destination Nowhere

July 8th Globe Fail

Short video possibly showing a picture of the alleged mountain in the North Pole: Download the Video (8.2 MB) or View the same on Tiktok online: named differently by different people, like Rupes Nigra, the Black Rock, mount Meru, mount Qaf etc. More research and practical experiments (from a safe distance) required to verify the exact truth, but the video is still worth watching.

Heart also has intelligence. Something scientists would deny a few decades ago. Something done by scholars under influence of theoretical science to the point of translating a word for heart in a language as mind to be conformant to the available science.
Heart intelligence

3D model for the Heart's Brain

True facts vs Modern theories

How maps are manipulated to hide the flat Earth

20 Proofs that Earth is not a spinning globe

High-Altitude Flat Earth Footage

Flat Earth Aeroplane Footage

Zetetic Astronomy - Earth Not a Globe - An Experimental Inquiry into the True Figure of the Earth.
3rd revised and expanded edition :

Zetetic Astronomy, Earth Not a Globe By Samuel Birley Rowbotham (Parallax) (Full audiobook)

200 Proofs Earth is Not a Spinning Ball (2024 Remastered Edition)
200 Proofs Earth is Not a Spinning Ball (Short book, slightly edited)

Email : asimiqbal2nd @ live.com, if you are interested to sponsor or fund me to buy equipment and prepare evidences myself. I can inshaALLAH! record the evidences myself, and prepare and upload for all, my own videos, on science related issues in an unbiased way, to let the evidences themselves be the major chunk of the content, as you can see in my other projects. You yourself can also prepare the evidences with the proper equipment if you are not comfortable with funding anyone else, and are more comfortable to record the evidences yourself dedicatedly.

Appendix 1 - Channels Documenting Paranormal Evidences and Unexplained Videos that Science Cannot Explain
Paranormal Videos Channel 1
Paranormal Videos Channel 2
Paranormal Videos Channel 3
Paranormal Videos Channel 4

Appendix 2 - Historical Documents indicating some motivating factors behind The Science Bluff
The Protocols of The Learned Elders of Zion:
Scanned Edition, Typed Edition

Appendix 3 - Flat Non-rotating Earth Assumption used by NASA, Air Force, Army etc. in their own Research
presearched link on archive.org
presearched link on archive.org with NASA filter
presearched link on archive.org with Flight Paths filter
presearched link on archive.org with Flight control systems filter
presearched link on archive.org with DTIC filter

Appendix 4 - Various Video Channels
Neutral Physicist
Quran Flat Earth
Flat Earth 19 (Arabic channel)
Egyptian Flat Earth Magazine (Youtube)
Egyptian Flat Earth Magazine (Tiktok)
Taboo Conspiracy